Event 2003, Perflib

On an SBS 2008 machine I was noticing the following error every day around 3:30 am

Event 2003, Perflib

The configuration information of the performance library C:\Windows\system32\sqlctr90.dll for the MSSQL$SBSMONITORING service does not match the trusted performance library information stored in the registry. The functions in this library will not be treated as trusted.


POP3 Connector to a Shared Mailbox

While setting up an install of SBS 2011 I was forced to rely on the POP3 Connector while I waited for Telus to change the internet connection to a static IP.

One of the email accounts of the company was a Shared Mailbox for the company info line that I created with an Exchange Management Shell command. Because the mailbox wasn't created using the SBS Console it wasn't visible in the list of Exchange Mailboxes the POP3 Connector could download to. Fortunately, it was an easy fix.

Windows Server 2008 R2 Storage Issues

Just finished putting together a new server with four 1 TB hard drives in a RAID 5 and I had some fun getting Windows to install on them.

Kevin J Morse.ca - Front Page Slideshow

As you can see I've implemented a text slideshow on the front page of my site using the Views Slideshow module. It was pretty straightforward to do but there were a few elements that were a little tricky so I'm going to walk through the steps required.

Read more for a full walk through.

Event 4319, NetBT error on Windows Server with Dual NICs

One of the servers I support started acting up after the office network was restructured (another router and new switches). Checking the Event Viewer turned up frequent occurrences of a NetBT Error 4319. Googling this error brought me to the knowledge base article Event ID 4319: Duplicate Names on the Network.


Exchange Server 2007 SP3 Breaks 32-Bit IIS Application Pools

Recently while installing Maximizer CRM on a fully updated Small Business Server 2008 machine I had some problems getting the Web Access and Wireless components working. The first problem was a Server Error when I went to the Web Access URL:

Could not load file or assembly 'Maximizer.Data' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.


Super Fun Time